Exceeding joyfull newes from the Earl of Essex being a true and reall relation of his incompassing the Kings army neare the citty of Oxford, Decemb. 7. and the great skirmish which they had at the same time. - Also how Sir John Meldrum, and Collonell Langham drew out their two regiments of Blewcoaths, seven troops of horse, and 9. pieces of ordnance, and got beyond Oxford, and there set their men in battle array, raising two half-moons, and planting their ordnance against the cavaleers. Likewise the proceedings of the E. of Essex since his departure from the Earl of Northumberland, E. of Holland, E. of Pembroke, and the Lord Sey, at Windsor, Decemb. 5. and what skirmishes he had in his march towards Oxford

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Decemb. 9. Printed for H. Blundo i.e. Blunden 1642 England, London [8] sidor.